Selected Publications & Media Interactions
Media Coverage: How Bengaluru-based scientists are removing taboos around menstrual health (2023), Deccan Herald
Article: Is the drug regulator doing its job?(2022), Deccan Herald
Evidence-Based Article: Vaccines and the coming third COVID-19 wave (2021),Deccan Herald
Policy Brief: The COVID-19 Exit Strategy For the State of Karnataka (2020) - acknowledged by the Hon’ble Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Government of Karnataka
Policy Brief: Guidelines for reopening schools in the city of Bangalore amidst the pandemic (2020)
Interview: COVID-19: Leading India out of the lockdown (2020), The Kootneeti
Media Coverage: Experts discuss threats from antimicrobial resistance (2019), Deccan Chronicle
News Article: Raghavan, S. (2019). How to rejuvenate India’s science, The Sunday Guardian
News Article: Raghavan, S. (2019). Time to think historically as India celebrates Independence Day, The Sunday Guardian
Interview: Grin News on Scientists & Co. (2018)
Policy Paper: Raghavan, S. (2017). Let’s Talk: Young People’s Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing in England, King’s Think Tank Publication
Policy Paper: Raghavan, S. (2017). Strengthening UK’s healthcare innovation, King’s Think Tank Publication
Policy Paper: Raghavan, S. (2016). Fixing a Broken Promise: Educate A Girl, Educate A Family, Policy Idol 2016 publication by The Policy Institute at King’s