Scientists & Co.
Transforming Lives, Scientifically.

Operational in India & the UK, Dr. Raghavan founded the social enterprise, Scientists & Co., in 2016 to enable access to scientific knowledge and education by people from all walks of life.
The enterprise is unique in that its core team works pro bono. The funds and grants received are entirely spent on the beneficiaries.
Breaking The Cycle
Over 70% of women from disadvantaged backgrounds lack access to health education & timely care. A significant population of these women cannot afford clean, safe sanitary products. Launched in March 2023,Breaking The Cycle was designed to raise awareness around women’s health in regional languages and provide them free access to safe, reusable sanitary pads. The campaign that benefitted over 3000 women across 5 Indian states till date.
COVID-19 Awareness
At the height of the pandemic, the poor urban, who in general lack equitable access to healthcare, took the worst hit. Delivered through the first and second pandemic waves, the campaign raised awareness on preventing/tackling COVID-19 infections and managing comorbidities. With an ever-evolving, sometimes contradictory, evidence, the campaign was carefully built to incapsulate complex but relevant science in a simple, understandable manner, highlighting the key benefits and risks of each clinical intervention and social practice that were prevalent at the time.
Shadow A Scientist
A unique educational programme that promotes social mobility of students from under-represented & disadvantaged backgrounds into higher education, Shadow A Scientist involves an intense week-long bootcamp, where 1-to-1 mentorship is offered to students in order to enthuse and encourage them to take up interesting and alternate science careers. Over 200 students have been mentored to date; 9 out of 10 of who offered a place at a university, with 63% of them studying at a prestigious Russell Group university.